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Visual Management Products

Revolutionise your workplace organisation.
Our Visual Management products offer intuitive solutions to streamline processes, track results, boost efficiency, and enhance communication. From customizable overlays and whiteboards to floor matting and bespoke shadow boards, Clarity offer a vast range of products designed to sustain change within your workplace.

We think one of the products below will help to solve your problems...

Have a browse through the different solutions to decide which one looks best for you, and then click the link to access our product brochures


Visual Management Boards


Elevate productivity. Our Visual Management Boards offer a streamlined solution to communicate, organise, and optimise workflows. Empower your team with clarity and focus for enhanced productivity and success.

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Anti-Fatigue Floor Matting


Step into comfort. Our Anti-Fatigue Floor Matting provides unparalleled support, relieving strain and discomfort for employees standing for extended periods of time. Elevate workplace well-being and productivity with every step.

Click here to access the brochure



Space solutions simplified. Often in large, cluttered warehouses, having enough storage space is an issue. Our cuboids offer versatile organisation, maximising workspace efficiency while promoting a clutter-free environment. Elevate productivity and streamline workflows with smart, customizable storage solutions.

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Cleaning Stations


Cleaning stations are an integral part of a 5S workplace organisation journey, as each tool has a place. Our cleaning stations offer convenient, clean solutions to maintain hygiene standards in any workspace. Simplify cleaning routines and promote a healthier environment for all.

Click here to access the brochure

Floor Markings & Tape


Floor markings have changed dramatically recently, with more people adopting the projected route. However, we understand that some of our clients still prefer the traditional floor tape route.

Click here to access the brochure

Tool Shadow Boards


Tool mastery made easy. Our Tool Shadow Boards and Foam Cut-Outs simplify organisation, ensuring every tool has its place for quick retrieval and seamless workflow. Empower your team with hassle-free tool management for enhanced productivity and precision.

Click here to access the brochure

Foam Cut-Outs


Elevate your tool boxing game with Foam Cut-Outs. There is no better way to keep tools organised and in control. It is easy to pick out when tools are missing, and harder to lose tools, especially when combined with standard 5S training, to ensure employees know how to look after their tools.

Control Rooms


Experience the power of Clarity's control rooms, where meetings become strategic weapons against daily challenges. With streamlined layouts and integrated technology, our solutions foster efficient collaboration, enabling swift decisions and proactive problem-solving. Say goodbye to firefighting and hello to strategic control, keeping your business ahead of the curve.

Click here to access the brochure



Transform your workspace into a hub of efficiency and productivity with our premium whiteboards. Made with high-quality materials and a totally bespoke design to suit your requirements, these whiteboards are essential tools for making your workplace a more lean friendly environment. 

Lockout / Tagout Boards


Secure Workplace Operations. Lockout Tagout boards are designed for efficient equipment maintenance by enabling tool and machine use tracking which promotes accountability with employees. These boards are easily customisable and durable, and are the ultimate solution for ensuring your employees are kept safe and accidents are preventing.



Enhance Brand Visibility. Elevate your site's overall look and reinforces safety procedures by using custom-branded signage. Eye-catching signage on your site can help visitors to recognise that you are a world-class factory, and can also ensure clear communication of directions, company achievements and safety procedures.

Electronic Lost Time Injury Boards


Track Incident Data. Revolutionise your safety management systems by implementing an Electrtonic Lost Time Injury Board. These are a great way to monitor accident data in real-time, and implement preventative measures, whilst also looking great for site visitors. Foster a safer work environment and reduce your unplanned downtime.

Our 3 Step Process
1. Discover

This starts with a brief online assessment or a chat with one of our specialists to gain an in-depth understanding of your vision. We then use our expertise in Lean Consulting and Visual design to decide what you need for a Lean, Safe and Visual work environment.

2. Design

We will then provide you with a quotation to reflect the components needed to create your vision and create a 3D visual designed in your company branding. You can make amendments here based on a visual that depicts what the final product will look like once delivered.

3. Deliver

Finally, you will be given a delivery date for your items and your product will be delivered to your location. The product that was once just an idea, is transformed into reality.

What can Visual Management Products add to your business?
There are numerous considerations when creating a bespoke product, and it is important to consider the main benefits you want to achieve before starting a project. Below are some of the main benefits we offer.
Improved Communication
Visual management tools provide a clear and concise way to communicate information, goals and objectives across the organisation, leading to enhanced understanding and alignment among team members.
Enhanced Efficiency
By visually representing processes, workflows and performance metrics, visual management products help identify bottlenecks, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency.


Better Problem-Solving
Visual management facilitates problem-solving by making issues and opportunities more visible, allowing teams to identify root causes and implement solutions in a timely manner.
Promotes Accountability
With transparent performance metrics and progress tracking, visual management fosters accountability among team members, driving individual and collective responsibility for achieving organisational goals.

Choose Clarity for your workplace needs

Get in touch and speak with a Visual Management Specialist to answer any questions you may have on our products, consultancy or business.

Speak to Calvina today
01482 296451